> Andrew Shadwick

CTC Australasia Council: Andrew Shadwick

Andrew Shadwick

Travel and Expense Category Manager, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

About Andrew Shadwick

After graduating from University of Tasmania, Andrew commenced his career in Chartered Accounting as an auditor and also worked as systems accountant in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland before returning to live in Sydney in 1999.

Since 2008, Andrew has been the Travel & Cards Manager at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) where he leads the Procurement Travel & Cards team. Responsible for procuring and implementing travel and payment solutions to meet the ongoing requirements of newsgatherers and content providers at the ABC (both domestically and abroad). Being a government funded yet independent organisation competing in a commercial sector, the ABC presents many unique challenges when it comes to travel and expense, particularly with respect to production accounting and the need to provide access to cash and manage its associated risks.

Andrew has recently joined the CTC council in late October 2019.

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